Welcome to our FAQ section, where we address the most common queries you may have.
Explore the information below to find quick and accurate answers to frequently asked questions.
If you don't find what you're looking for, feel free to contact our support team for personalized assistance. We're here to ensure your experience is smooth and your questions are resolved.
Your journey with us starts here, with clarity and confidence.


Downloading files

After placing an order for a pack on our website, you will receive an email containing a download link. If you have registered an account on our website, you can access and download your previous orders from your account page.

Payment online

Our checkout process is secure and streamlined through reputable payment services including Paypal, Bank transfer, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and more.

Discount codes

Proceed to the checkout and input your code on the right side of the page.
The discount linked to the code will be immediately applied to the total price.



Upon purchasing one of our packs, you have the freedom to incorporate our sounds into your music without limitations.
However, commercial resale of our sounds is prohibited unless prior arrangements have been made.

Open the files

We offer our downloads in .ZIP format.
To access the files, download and install a program like 'WinRar' or '7zip'.
Next, right-click on the downloaded file, and select 'extract here' or choose your preferred folder for extraction.


Our sound sample pack is designed to seamlessly integrate with all major music production software currently available.
Whether you're using industry-standard DAWs like Ableton Live, Logic Pro, FL Studio, or other popular software, our samples are fully compatible.